The Black Classical Acting Ensemble

CSC's Black Classical Acting Ensemble (BCAE) was established in 2021 and is an affinity space and incubator at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company for Black artists to find and nurture their authentic voices in the classical drama, while centering and treasuring their experiences and opinions as Black Americans.
A group of about 15 professional Black actors explore classical theatre practices with roots and inspiration from Africa, Europe, Asia, and America to develop new training methodologies and pedagogy for the classics and classical theatre training that reflect and are enriched by the Black experience. The actors document their findings as they develop new approaches. Classes and opportunities are free to participants in order to ensure wide accessibility. The BCAE is also an opportunity for more seasoned actors to serve as mentors to less experienced artists.
In the 2022-23 season, the BCAE will present readings, take classes, explore classic Black-authored dramas, and present their own production of Macbeth in the fall for schoolchildren and in the summer for a broader CSC audience. The Ensemble is led by Gerrad Alex Taylor.
For more information about membership, auditions, and upcoming productions for CSC's Black Classical Acting Ensemble, contact Dawn Thomas Reidy, Production Associate by emailing
The Black Classical Acting Ensemble is sponsored by
Production Photos from Macbeth Student Matinee